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The Importance Of Being Adaptable

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned in nearly 15 years as a firefighter is that you’ve got to stay adaptable. Firefighting is not a job you learn in a few training sessions before you start, and then carry on for your entire career.

In my department, we train weekly. At least.

Things are always changing. New tools. New techniques. New information. The way we did some things when I started is not the way we do them today. When you make a commitment to becoming a firefighter, you also make a commitment to lifelong learning.

The Importance Of Being Adaptable

ebola-training-bulletinIn yesterday evenings training session we received a new piece of literature. An Ebola Virus Disease Training Bulletin.

Given the significant media attention currently being given to Ebola, and the concern Ebola has caused across North America, emergency services are taking proactive measures to ensure their first responders are prepared and trained. As a firefighter, that includes me.

So last night, when I returned home from the fire hall, I spent time reading the 10 page training bulletin, and the corresponding email from our Fire Chief outlining protocols that the fire department is to follow in the event we are dispatched to a call where the potential for Ebola exists.

A couple weeks ago, I would’ve just shaken my head if someone asked me if I was prepared for a potential Ebola case. Today, things are different.

As a firefighter, you’ve got to stay adaptable. Things are always changing.

Adapting As A Voice Actor

Two years ago, I don’t think I had ever heard the term explainer video. I’m not sure any of us really had. It was something shiny and new. A niche of voice over work that was still in it’s infancy.

As I began to learn more about this type of voice over, I began to realize that it was something that really could be in my wheelhouse. The few explainers I had watched were voiced by people with similar sounds to me. The style of read was light and fun and friendly. I was pretty confident I could do it.

So I tried.

By 2013 I had a custom explainer video demo and began marketing to explainer video production companies.

This year, I ramped it up even further. I built an entire sub site at to showcase my explainer video voice over work. I also built a new landing page at to use in my marketing efforts.

The result… I’ve voiced somewhere around 200 explainer videos already this year alone.

Study The Trends… Get In Early

Adaptation-754937Do I actually think I’ll ever respond to an Ebola call as a firefighter in my town? No. At least, I certainly hope not! Does the potential exist? Sure it does.

That’s why we prepare. We train. We adapt.

There are always new niches opening up to the voice over market. Explainer videos has been a huge one. How about voice over for Apps? Another massive market that’s only getting bigger.

If you want to continue to grow your business, you’ve got to keep up with the current trends and you’ve got to keep your eyes open for emerging ones that could create new opportunities.

Always be adaptable and you’ll always open up new avenues for work.
